
Welcome back, CEA CAPA alumni! Thank you for studying abroad with us. We hope you’ve returned with an enhanced résumé, new friendships, unforgettable memories, and most importantly, a broader view of the world.

The best part about being an alumnus? The opportunity to help and support other students go on their own great adventure abroad!

You can also explore re-entry resources and opportunities to connect with our alumni network as you transition back into home life and learn how to reap more benefits from your experience going forward.

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.

Nelson Mandela

CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador Program

Share Your Experience With Students on Campus

Your study abroad journey doesn’t have to end when your program does. Leverage your experience and enthusiasm for study abroad as a CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador! Our program gives you the chance to inspire others to embark on their own study abroad adventure.

Our goal is also to help you answer the “what now?” question. We help you better articulate your growth, clarify your career aspirations, and consider your next steps after graduation.

We designed this program around a student schedule: it is flexible and customizable based on your availability, interests, and goals. Make the position your own by developing an outreach plan that best fits your campus and interests!

Become an Alumni Ambassador

What it's Like Being an Ambassador

Ambassador selfie
Study abroad fair

As a CEA CAPA Alumni Ambassador, you create study abroad awareness in person and via social media, while supporting students through the pre-departure process. You commit for at least one semester, and can continue as long as you’d like!

All outreach must follow guidelines established by your home campus and study abroad office.

Outreach may include:

  • Supporting the study abroad office
  • Presenting to student groups
  • Assisting CEA CAPA representatives during their visit to your campus
  • Create a video or blog for CEA CAPA social media
  • Share your experience on social media
  • Answer student questions through the Ambassador Directory

Program Benefits

CEA CAPA’s Alumni Ambassador program gives you the following perks:

  • $300 payment upon completion of the program + additional rewards!
  • Ambassador Go-Again Discount* (Double the alumni rate!)
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Academic credit (if approved at home institution)
  • MIIS Graduate School Scholarship for all former and current ambassadors
  • Career-advising workshops and support
  • Leadership opportunities and professional development
  • Onsite Ambassadorship Program (limited locations available)
    • Student leadership and professional development opportunity for our high-performing Ambassadors to be selected to return to where they studied abroad, support program operations, and help facilitate the study abroad experience for onsite students.


  • Enthusiastic CEA CAPA alumni who want to support prospective study abroad students
  • Hold a minimum of 2.5 GPA (lower averages considered on case-by-case basis)
  • Financially cleared with CEA CAPA

Contact the CEA CAPA Student Engagement Team for more information: alumni@kllkj.net

Become an Alumni Ambassador

What to Do Once You’re Home Again

Log into your Student Portal Account for:

Ambassador selfie

Feeling a bit of reverse culture shock? Don’t worry, it’s completely normal. For many students, this can be more difficult than culture shock experienced overseas.

Here are some ways to facilitate your re-entry process:

Travel Is A Constant In My Life | Part 1
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Travel Is A Constant In My Life | Part 1

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Amazing, Worthwhile & Cultural: CEA CAPA Alumnae Reflects on Her Time Interning Abroad

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The Excitement of Being an Ambassador
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